Saturday, November 30, 2013

What I Learned Presentation

That, Anyways, is What I Have Learned
This class has opened my eyes to the mythology world and helped me realize that all mythologies are real. For the first time, I knew not all gods are flawless. Most Greek gods have dispositions just like human beings; they have sexual desires; they battle with family for power like people do in the Downton Abbey, and they can be just as selfish as humans. Our everyday life is a myth, and everything that happens to us is a displaced myth. For me, all we have learned in this class fall into three categories: life, death, and love.

At this point of life, no one is really short of stories to tell. The difference is some more than the others, and some are more interesting than the others. Or, should I say, they are all as interesting as a red wheelbarrow, we are just too numb to see the fun. The reason why I think mythology is all about death, life, and love, is because I think the theme of suffering is already included in life. One does not simply talk about life without mentioning about suffering, because the most memorable things are the awful ones, and life is the assemble of memories. In fact, in my opinion, life is all about suffering and we live somewhere in between life and hell. We are able to enjoy peaceful moments because we understand the pain wars bring; if there were no comparison, there would be no pain, but also no joy. For instance, writing five papers in my final’s week is a huge misery, and getting up this morning was some impressive suffering. But they are a part of college life that I can’t avoid.

Isn't that why we did presentations on the topic of initiation? Life is a painful process, and it is precious and worth fighting for because it has an end. We know the fear of death and that’s why we treasure every minute we breath; we know that honor will follow after pain and that’s why we accept challenges courageously. “The gods get bored with men who have no stories,” Calasso said. Indeed, imagine living an immortal life and there is nothing that can hurt you physically or mentally, would you still call that living? If we can’t get hurt, what is the point of fighting? And without the efforts made for survival, what is the point of living? Even the gods would cast aside those who with no stories. There must be something great after every agony; it is so great that driven by this thought, students can get up every morning and go to school.

One thought I was inspired by this class is that true love is worth waiting for. When the time isn't ripe, the more you want to capture the one you like, the more likely you are going to harm that person. Greek gods and legends make great examples for this: Zeus’s affection for Io turn her into a gadfly and Apollo’s passion transformed Daphne into a laurel tree. If they could repress their lust and just wait for the right timing maybe none of that would happen. Love is, after all, wanting all the best for that person instead of controlling and possessing this person for selfish reasons. Sometimes we just have to wait for the right moment to express feelings and to make the decision of being in a relationship. Now, I may act like I know what love is, but actually I don’t. Because there is no such thing as love, it is just a fantasy. Because just like empathy, love is only an expression of our imagination.

Death may not be the end, and life is enriched by each individual’s reflection of death. No one knows what is waiting for us behind the door of death and what we will become in the after life. Maybe there is reincarnation, perhaps there will be a judge to determine if we are going to Heaven or Hell.  But the unknown is what makes us better people, if we are sure about where we are going after death, some may just lose the motivation to live or fight for anything. And because we begin at the same starting lines and we are kind of sure we are all going to the same place after we die, we have the urge to compete with others.

After all, I think what I’m trying to say is that, we are who we decide to be, and there are only three things we have no control of: life, death, and the love for someone. Of course, by life I mean suffering, and by love I mean an unrealistic dream. Only death is true. As Persephone goes back to the underworld, it is time to leave this class. But it is only the first part of mythology: separation. We will encounter other myths as we step out of the classroom; we will suffer, and we will return. Because somewhere in our brain, there contains memories about Lit 285, and whenever we recall this memory, we will travel back to room 1122. When I first moved to this country, I felt absolutely no belonging. No matter how cheerful the crowd is, I always feel like living in another world. It was like everyone around me was writing about their own stories, and I was not even a little dot in their literature. But I’m glad I got to take this class, and learned that I am not in the worst place, which is outside of the story. I am more than a dot, because I am the main character of my own story.


I wish everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I think all holidays are mythological and I just realized that the most common themes of holidays are either to thank for what we receive, or about rejoice for survival.

Without a turkey, my Thanksgiving meal was not that traditional. During the weekend, the American side of my family decided to come down to Laurel and celebrate Thanksgiving with some stir fry. Even though there was no turkey, we had mash potatoes, salad, and a pumpkin pie. I am sure we are not the only family who has "different" food. It is impossible all families cook or celebrate a holiday in the exact same way, but the spirit and the meaning of this holiday don't change.  

Bart Simpson once said his prayer, "Dear God, we paid for all this stuff ourselves, so thanks for nothing." This kind of humor is accepted by people because unfortunately that's a popular attitude when it comes to giving thanks. However, it doesn't mean we are not grateful. Many of us are thankful for what we have, but still often stutter when we have to express it in a formal way.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Distraction and Procrastination, My Biggest Enemies

I understand that we all have the same amount of time in one day and it is just the matter of priorities, but it is still hard to fight laziness and procrastination. 

I think in the modern society today, one of the reasons why procrastination exist is that many of us live a rewarding style of life. We reward ourselves by ignoring the idea of diligence and taking actions quickly right after a hedonistic thought across our minds. For example, I have a six-page paper due tomorrow afternoon, but deep down there is a voice keeps saying "I don't want to do it, I don't want to do it and I won't do it until the last minute..." This thought gives me a painful image of writing this paper, so I resist the reasoning part of my brain, and choose to sit and wait for my mind to offer me a better deal. When my brain tells me, "Hey, let's get on Youtube and check out the best Vines of this month!" I immediately get delighted by this suggestion, and before I know it, my body already acted to make this idea come true. Here I am, my hand is on the mouse, and my eyes are on the computer screen, watching Youtube videos. 

Yeah, even though it is hard but I am trying to fight is going to be another long night. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Displaced Myth (Revised)

The story takes place in a modern high school of America called Cawdor. Mary was an ordinary teenage girl who was enrolled in honor classes and was involved in all sorts of activities. Mary's cute face and kindness have won her some popularity at school. However, she could never be as popular as Tia, the cheerleading captain whose mother was the mayor and father was the richest man in the city. She was so pretty that boys from other schools came in crowds to see her sight. Even though sometimes Tia was too haughty, everyone in school still treated her like a queen.

Mary was one of the few people who Tia actually trusted. Although Mary never wanted to hurt Tia, she was secretly in love with Tommy, Tia's boyfriend.

One day, three girls stopped Mary as she was walking out of her chemistry class. Mary looked up and recognized they were the quiet emo girls from her English class. What do these emo girls have to say to me? She thought.

"You are going to become the formal queen this winter." One of the emo girls said.

"No way!" Mary laughed, "Tia is the formal queen every year, no doubt!" It would be nice to give other girls some chances, but there is no way Tia won't be selected as the queen, Mary thought to herself.

"And after that, you will replace Tia and become the cheer team caption." Another girl sounded.

"What?" Mary did not hesitate to hide her confusion.

Three girls looked at each other, and finally the third girl said, "At that time, everyone in school will love you more than ever, and all the boys will turn to you, all boys including Tommy."

"Stop kidding me." Mary waved her hands to state she is leaving this absurd conversation, but the blush on her face betrayed her action. At the moment, Mary felt like she can do anything to have Tommy, if that anything will help her to reach this goal."Well, the winter formal is in two days," Mary said to herself, "we will find out if that bull crap was true."

Two days later in the prom night, Mary almost couldn't help her desire to scream when the host announced her as the formal queen. But she did cry out loud deep inside: they were right! I CAN replace Tia! I am pretty and smart, just as much as her! I WILL become the new cheerleading caption and I WILL get Tommy!

She felt as if her chest is fulfilled by courage and ambition.

The next day, Mary challenged Tia for her position. In order to win with a hundred percent probability, Mary drugged Tia's drinks so she couldn't come to this competition. Mary's dirty tricks caused Tia to stay home for a week, and naturally helped Mary to become the new team leader.

Tia's confidence was crashed and she never showed up again. On the other hand, Mary became the student president and started dating Tommy. She was not so good of a cheerleading captain, though. She was overly strict and always yelled at her team members. In fact, she was so afraid of being overthrown like Tia that she became very rude to the girls around her.

Soon, all the cheerleaders decided to leave the team because they couldn't bear how mean Mary has become. Looking at the empty gym, Mary still couldn't realize what she did wrong. She noticed that even after she has been selected as the formal queen and become the new cheer team captain, people did not begin to love her more. No one talked to her anymore, and now she has no friend at all.